5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google
Once we’ve built your website and provided you with training on how to use your content management system (either Joomla or Wordpress), you’ll be in charge of updating and maintaining your own site.
We understand that sometimes you may not have the time or resources to update your website – that’s why we have Support Packages available for purchase.
We can provide peace of mind and ongoing support for your website… if you need us to add new website pages, swap out some images, change contact details or make any other minor alterations we can handle that for you!
Simply buy a block of hours up front and we’ll make changes to your site as you need us. We keep track of all changes and time spent in our master spreadsheet, so we can easily let you know how much time you have left on your package whenever you like.
Here’s a rundown of our available support packs:-
3 hours
of support
6 hours
of support
10 hours
of support
For more info on what’s covered under a support package, please visit the Support Packages page on our website.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google