5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google
At Marketeam we offer 3 x types of support packages – 3 hours, 6 hours and 10 hours. This covers you for support on your Joomla website until your allocated hours have been used up (whichever comes first).
You can use your support time for us to add new pages, update existing content, swap out images or update contact details – whatever you need us to do.
All of our time spent making changes and updating your website is tracked via a spreadsheet, and when you’re getting close to using up all of your hours we’ll send you an email asking if you’d like to purchase another support pack. You can buy another pack straight away or wait until you have more alterations you’d like us to make and buy one then – the choice is yours.
To find out more info about pricing and pack options, click here to visit our Joomla Support Packs page.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google