5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google
Wordpress is an open source CMS (content management system) that anyone can install and use for free. It’s a very popular system as it usually requires little coding experience to edit and make changes to your website. Simple to use, secure and reliable – it’s been used to build hundreds of thousands of websites worldwide.
Whether you want to build a 5 page website or a 500 page website, Wordpress can handle most requirements.
Open source software is a term used to describe a program where the underlying code is made available to the public, meaning there’s a collaborative approach when it comes to updating and adding features to the core software.
Next to Wordpress, Joomla is the second most popular open source CMS – we build and develop websites for our clients in both of these content management systems.
Wordpress is super easy for a beginner to use. If you’re just starting out on your website build journey with little to no experience, there are many articles and tutorial videos that will help teach you the basics of how to use Wordpress.
The first thing you’ll need to do is choose a theme that you’d like to use on your website and install it. You can choose a theme that closely resembles your brand and then customise it to suit your business. The layout process is easier if you use a page builder functionality such as Divi, WP Bakery or Elementor.
Next step is to add any functionality or plugins that you require, and then you simply add your pages and menu items. There are SEO plugins available to help you rank in search engines.
We’ve built many Wordpress websites for our clients – check out our Portfolio page to see some of our designs.
If you want some more info on how we can build a website for you using Wordpress, give us a call on (07) 3882 3375 or fill out our request a quote form for a free quote.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google